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Lessons in Piracy Blog
19th April 2013
Wednesday night, SpikeDislike2 got its first update in the AppStore.
Thursday night, some twat had already plopped it onto a pirate site.

Lesson One : Shit Happens.
Given that I'm "The guy with nearly 300 freeware games to his name", I think I'm better suited to deal with this reality than most indie devs.
Note how calm and collected I am about it.

Of course, I'm probably going to spend the rest of today sending emails and things to the evil sites in question, but for the most part, if anything, it's not exactly going to slow down sales.
Sales are already as pisspoor as they could be.
Sucks to be indie..

But I'm not one for naming and shaming. I don't "do" that. You live your life, I'll live mine, and never the twain shall meet, except when you steal my shit.. I might whinge and moan, but as IGN have recently learned, that's just who I am.

I can deal with this.
Don't be an idiot about it, and the world will continue as normal.

Lesson Two : Don't be an idiot.
If you ARE going to pirate a game, sticking your actual Twitter username on the download might not actually be all that great an idea..
"But it could be someone framing him!!" shouts the ever-wise @voxel from the wings.
Well, indeed it could, so I initially left well alone.
.. Until he then gloatingly tweeted all about his most recent pirating adventures.
FFS, what a fucking idiot!!

*sigh* ... Some people..!

Lesson Three : Links...

A screengrab from that piracy site. The evil one that steals content.
Notice that, before all the links to the pirated versions of the games, right up at the top, bold as brass and easily noticeable, is a link to the actual pay-for edition on the AppStore.
Even a fucking piracy website has the courtesy to put a fucking AppStore link on their page.
For shame, IGN...
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