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Greenie! Blog
22nd October 2007
Most of my remakes seem to fall into a single category, in that they all tend to feature my character Greenie.

To be honest, I'm not sure why I started doing this. It was never something I planned, it just kind of happened that way!
Still, here's a whole page dedicated to that stupid bumbling idiot!

Green's 8-bit Tiny Collection

BlitzCoder, 2005. The 8-bit compo asked us to create games in a 8-bit style. No more than 20 sprites, all of which were 2 colors, and 8x8 pixels in size. So I made 12 games in one. Then after I won the compo, I felt compelled to add a few more.
The collection includes (reading, and occasionally playing like something from Cascade 50!)
Football, Centipede, Platformer (JNKPlat!), Maze (JNKMaze!!), Arkanoid, Tron, Bouncer, Frogger, Matrix Blaster, Monkey Balls, Slalom, Tanks, Mummy, Invaders, Shuffler, Dropper, Mr Driller, Squares, Sumo, Shoot It, Spell Em and Make it Blue.
A classic collection if ever there was one.

Download Them All!

Greenie : The Helecopter Hero

I'd been doing the Wed.Workshop for about a year, so when the Retro Remakes 2006 compo opened, I was ready for a decent-length compo. Unfortunately I have the memory span of a goldfish, and within a week or two I'd forgotten I was remaking Activision's Hero. When Socoder had it's "March = Finish it off Month" in 2007, I took the time to.... finish it off! And it turned out pretty well, too.

Download Greenie : The Helecopter Hero

Greenie : The Eccentric Egyptologist

In September, Socoder asked for classic games recreated (or new games!), but with loads of Pickups thrown in for good measure. I spent the time recreating the classic CPC game Oh Mummy. I added a fair few (mostly useless) pickups, but sped up the gameplay from the old 80s pace. I also added a couple of tweaks to the gameplay. And multiplayer

Download Greenie : The Eccentric Egyptologist
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