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AGameAWeek Gold - Munky Train Blog
10th April 2013
AGameAWeek Gold looks back on this day in history, and plucks out any and all games that I've previously released on this day.
It's a fun, adventurous, and seemingly random trip through the Jayenkai Archives.
Join us, as we test really old games to see if they still run on our modern systems!-=-=-

2005 - Munky Train

Wow, eight years old!? I think this is the oldest one, so far!
And look, it still runs!

Munky Train is a simple typing game.
The words appear at the bottom of the screen, and you have to type them in.
The _'s are spaces, btw!

As time passes, the train gets faster and faster, but typing in lines of text will help slow it down.
You task is to try to keep the train from falling off the edge of the never ending bridge, by typing and typing and typing away!

You can Download Munky Train here for Windows.
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Agameaweek Gold
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