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DislikeGate Continues Blog
2nd April 2013
Last night I spotted something odd.
On the frontpage is a little Top Ten list of "Top iPhone Games Out Now"
And for some very strange reason, number 5 is currently Spike Dislike 2.-=-=-

I found this a little odd, to say the least.
It's DEFINITELY not to do with sales figures. I can guarantee that!
Sales, for those keeping score, are so far about 1/4 of SpikeDislike's first month.

So it can't be that..
What other criteria are there for their top ten, then?
I asked their editor, then fell asleep, and awoke to a reply.

The basic gist of it suggests that the top 4 are all the latest reviews, and anything below that is ranked based on how many clicks that particular game gets.
So, basically the top 4 is fixed, and everything beneath that is the cream of the crop... The best of the best.. The most clicked upon games on IGN Wireless.

Holy shitballs!!!
That's MY game!!
My game is inexplicably the MOST clicked on game, on IGN Wireless!

I must admit, having slept on it, I'm still somewhat perplexed by this odd turn of events, especially because it most definitely isn't being reflected in the sales figures.
Clicking the link sends you to an empty chasm, which informs you that IGN haven't reviewed it, or anything, which is kinda sad considering they've listed it right at the top of their charts.
Still nice, but could probably do with a review *nudge nudge* *wink wink*
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