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Monkey Skeleton 13-03-23 Blog
23rd March 2013
There's not been a whole lot tweaked since the last Monkey Framework Release, (I've been too busy making the fun gamey things!!) but a couple of important additions have been additioned.

The Download

Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 20th October 2013 | Blog Post

Older versions

Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 13th June 2013 | Blog Post
23rd March 2013 | Blog Post
25th February 2013 | Blog Post
28th January 2013 | Blog Post

First up, we've got a WordList function.
Unless you specifically disable it, the wordlist will be part of your game.
Once the WordList has finished loading, you can use CheckWord("Word") to see if your word is in the included wordlist.
You can also use ? for blanks, so CheckWord("??GOTE") will return "ZYGOTE" nice and swiftly.
If you'd prefer your game not to use 800kb for something useless, switch it off ("const HasWordList=1" is up at the top) and then you can safely remove the data/common/wordlist.png file from the folder.
800kb saved, words deleted!

The next addition is JMTrackr.
We've discussed this previously, and now it's all nicely wrapped inside our framework, so we can be super-lazy adding music to our games! (See how I'd previously made the little speaker icon do music, too? I planned ahead!!)
You can read all about JMTrackr here, where you can download the associated Trackr program, to help make your own little ditties.
Again, if you find you don't want my lovely Trackr choons in your game, it's easy enough to remove.
Switch HasMusic to 0, remove the inst/ and tunes/ folders from the data dir, and you're sorted.

Last but not least, we have a new DataBuffer and associated Image-Data-Loading-Grabbing function.
To use it...
First, during the loader function, load your image using the new LoadImgRaw command..
LoadImgRaw(10,"MyData",32,32,64,0) (Where 10 is the image slot you're shoving it into 0-99, just like LoadImg)
Next, use the GetData(10,Frame) command to request the data.
You need to then wait for the OK before you can access the data. (DataGrab becomes 0 once it's grabbed the data.)

At this point, accessing DataBuffer[(((y*64)+x)*4)+0] will give you the Red value, with +1 for Green and +2 for Blue.
All values are divided by 8, to avoid device quirkyness.
GetData will load data from any .png image, as long as it's no bigger than 64x64 pixels, and always, in fact, assumes a 64x64 area for grabbing the data.
Split up your image using whatever methods you see fit.
Also, note the lack of Image.MidHandle here... That messes it up!

Other than those few tweaks, the framework is pretty much as it was.
If you've already started using an old version, it shouldn't be *too* tricky to upgrade to the new one.
Or you can not upgrade, and try implimenting JMTrackr yourself, if that's all you're really after. It's not tricky!

As always, have fun, and let me know if you do anything with it.
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Blog - Monkey Skeleton 13-03-23 - AGameAWeek