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SpikeDislike - The Board Game (DX!) Blog
26th February 2013
Last night I had a random idea, and drew up a silly board game.
Since then, the idea has annoyingly festered, and so this morning, I'm doing a complete relaunch of yesterday's silly idea, complete with all new advanced rules!

SpikeDislike2 will be released on March 5th, 2013

Head inside for more details.

You Will Need

1. Playing Pieces. These can be anything, but little small circular counters will look best!

2. Dice. However many you'd like to play with. The board is quite large, so two is probably better.

3. The Board.

Grab it, Print it, Keep it!

4. Cards!

Grab it, Print it, Cut out the cards, stick the front/backs together, and be happy!
Print more, if you're bored!

5. Pen and Paper, or some other sort of method to keep track of scores along the way.

How to Play

All players start at square 1.
The game can be played by as many players as you can be bothered to keep track of.
You can also play this game on your own, in which case you're playing for a highscore!!

Take turns rolling the dice.
If you land on a spike, pick up a card.
.. If the card is a "Combo", you score 1 point.
.. If the card is a "Super!", you score 2 points.
.. If the card is a "Spike!", you LOSE all your points so far.
(Place the card back in the deck, and shuffle the deck, to keep thing's nice and random)

Play continues until someone reaches the Goal.
The actual winner is the player with the most points, at this point.

Bonus awards go to...
.. The player who reached the Goal.
.. The player who had the highest score at any point in the game.
.. The player who had the highest total number of points, including those they'd lost.

Have Fun!

If you DO print this out, let me know! Pics would be nice
I'd do it myself, but I'm too cheap to buy a printer!!
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Blog - SpikeDislike - The Board Game (DX!) - AGameAWeek