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iOS Editions .. Part Two Blog
18th February 2013
Last night I finished off the C3ntipong stuff, and got the release edition compiled, tested, double-checked, and uploaded to Apple.
That's it! It's gone.. It's off.
There's no turning back, now!

In about a week's time, C3ntipong may very well pop up on the AppStore, assuming it gets approved!
A relatively painless procedure... well, except for all of yesterday's palaver, anyway!-=-=-

So, with a week long wait ahead of me, and not wanting to have to upload all of SpikeDislike2's badges all in one go, I decided it's probably a good idea to split the job up throughout the week.
Today, I started by uploading the big icon, and all the screenshots.

Tomorrow, I'll make a start on the badges, and then by the end of the week, we should know whether my Monkey Framework is Apple-approvable or not, and then I can get ready to upload the actual game to Apple.
.. I'm kind of excited, if I'm honest!

SpikeDislike2's coming!!!
And I might even hit that March 5th release date that I mentioned the other day, too!!

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Blog - iOS Editions .. Part Two - AGameAWeek