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Card Again!! Blog
27th January 2013
You all remember Cardagain, right?!

Cardagain was my first ever game on iOS, so it seems fitting that it also be my first on Android, too.
The basic idea is this...
A collection of pairs of cards appears onscreen, looking a bit like that crappy "pairs/concentration" game you used to play as a child.

The computer plays first, and picks one card from each pair.
You have to A) Remember the order, and B) Remember where each pair's matching card is.

Then it's your go.
Tap the remaining cards in the same order.
If you get any wrong, you lose lose a life. All correct, you get bonus points.
You also get a nice rising combo for every card you get correct, in a row.

The game is rather simple, but it works a treat.
It's not quite SpikeDislike, but I like it, and it gets your mind working. If you have a really good memory, it should be a doddle!

You can Download Cardagain here
Note, this is my first half-a-finished-game Android release, so expect rough edges, and if it fails to work at all, let me know.
In fact, if it DOES work, let me know that, too!

If you like it, and want more, come back here on Tuesday, when I'll repost this game with a few extra juicy bits, a test Windows exe, a HTML5 edition, and all the bug-fixes I can muster.
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