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This week... Blog
9th October 2009
Ok, let's try that Munky thing again, shall we!?

I've scrapped the "Portal" style stuff, and am instead focusing on a Munky Blocks styled affair.
Munky's Block seems an apt title, so we'll stick with that.

Currently I have only 1 setpiece, and 1 silly simple test level.

But the engine's up and running, and Munky's hopping around about the same as he did in the last game. So, yeah, things are definitely coming together.

My biggest challenge over the next couple of days will be to try and come up with a batch of complex puzzles to keep you entertained.
And then add a batch of setpieces, and maybe add a level editor if I get time.
But otherwise, it's a good start.
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 79

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