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Monkey Test Guinea Pigs Needed Blog
13th January 2013
As I continue to build up the new Monkey-based framework, I have a lot of things to test, and get working.
As most of you have noticed, I tend to forget things, like "hey, your game doesn't quit when I hit Alt+F4!???.. That little thing took years for me to bother to implement!!

In order to build the best framework that I can, I'll be needing pokes and prods along the way.
I also need a fair number of testbeds, to try out everything on.
If you'd like to join in, stick your name below. Your Twitter ID will suffice, or include your email address in the box provided.
I'll make a list, and send out future test engines to the chosen few.
If you want in, you should have a couple of systems to test out the engine on, be it PC, Mac, or Android. .. Yes, Android.. Lemmie know what you've got, and I'll let you know if you're on the list, tomorrow.

Your job as official engine tester will be to download the test engine, run it, piss about with a bunch of menus, and then quit.
These will be about as game'y as a fun exciting menu, but less gamey.
Basically just the framework.
You'll be downloading and testing as quickly as you can, what with this being AGameAWeek, I'll be wanting feedback ASAP.

Pop your name below, for super happy menu fun!!
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2013 Framework
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Blog - Monkey Test Guinea Pigs Needed - AGameAWeek