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Whoops, DailyBlog! Blog
23rd December 2011
Between insane neck issues, and crazy days trying to cram WAY too much stuff in before Xmas, I've not blogged much, this week.

Last night, as it became increasingly apparent that there was no WAY I could cram it all in, before xmas, I decided to hell with it all..
This morning, I stop attempting to cram, and instead relaxed into something a little different.-=-=-


I'm heading down a different route, and trying something random and odd.
I think my head's getting back into the AGameAWeek mix!

If all goes well, there should at least be a nice happy Xmas game, ready for Sunday morning.
.. Maybe!
Needs levels though, and gameplay, and quite a bit more, so that might be tricky within the timescale!

PlayMyCode for this one, methinks..

Wish me Luck!

Meanwhile : 3DS - 2964-8788-7132
Post 'em in the comments if you've got 'em!
(Because I'm somewhat enjoying the doodley letter thing, even if my handwriting sucks ass!)
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Daily Blog
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 78

Blog - Whoops, DailyBlog! - AGameAWeek