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Damn Calendar! Blog
18th December 2011
There are many many things breaking the calendar.
The list is growing.
Having finally got the whole Locale thing to work (switch phone to French, open game, calendar still in English, wtf!?)
With enough tweaks, I was getting French calendar months, and all looked well.
.. Except the "??" in d??cembre.. Because my font is lazy.

That'll be a lengthy fix!
New Font functions ahoy!-=-=-

I then tried switching to a Japanese calendar, because apparently, having to make crazy english letters with hats wasn't complicated enough!

This was always destined to be a great big fuckup, but something else has stepped in to make me cry a little harder.

I can NEARLY get it working, (assuming the calendar layout it's showing me is anything vaguely related to what it should be!) and I'm sure that with an extra few hours, all will be pretty..
Except the year is WAY way way in the future! (or, rather, is a big number.. They're not actually in the future!)
The levels, the scores, everything, it all relies on the calendar starting at one date, then moving forward.

But .. if someone changes their calendar, I can't very well handle 2 completely different sets of levels, and highscores, and things like that..
Can I?
I'm not 100% sure what to do there.

I'm opting to ignore that until a later point.
Today's surprise fuckup number 28 was when I tested it on the iPad simulator, and had completely forgotten to shift all the sprites to the larger co-ordinates.
That's a lot of code to go through.

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Blog - Damn Calendar! - AGameAWeek