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Jiggery Pokery.. Blog
4th November 2011
For a while, today, you started the game with 8 lives instead of just 5.
Then a few people on Twitter suggested I should put it back.
If you can't complete it, don't blame me


Today's fixings have included additional end-credit screen fixings, a couple of oddball logic crazythings, and a few more "slightly tweaked" easter-egg like days on the calendar.
When I originally added the calendar, and envisioned the special days, I thought they'd be nice and special.
Thing is, I kinda left those a bit late!
.. Actually, I only had 2 months to do all this, so I have, in fact, left the entire game a little bit too late!!
Instead, you'll just have to guess whether your "spotted" day is a proper special day, or if the events are purely co-incidental, and are infact just a bizarre random mismatch of elements..

There ARE some proper ones, honest!

I sat and played it for quite a while today, racking up some nice new scores, and then changing the lives thing which reset all my damn scores again. (grrr!)
But most of today was playtime.
And it's all come together really well.

I even took to playing with a Competition Pro USB Joystick, and ..
Am I'm out of practice with a Joystick!!!?
I was bloody awful!

Still to do..
Still haven't rewritten the end credits yet.
Still have a few award things to add.
.. Maybe draw a couple more backgrounds?! *shrugs*

.. I think I'm about done, here.

November 13th, 2011
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