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Making Things Neater Blog
12th October 2011
I'm in preparation mode, now, and am trying to fix the outer shell of NeonPlat Adventures, so that the game looks a little less rough around the edges, for all the people who'll be playing the lovely beta edition on Friday.

Today I worked on the menu a little, fiddled with that "about" section that I never bother to fill in, and added nice level open/close sweepy things that make things look a little less slapped together.
They're still just slabs of coloured rectangles, but they swoop left/right, so they kinda fit the bill

I've tweaked little font things here and there, changed a couple of sprites around, and made the baddies a little bit tougher.

Loads of little touchups, all over the place, and nothing major.
But, these things must be done.

I still have a WHOLE MONTH left to go, though, so with any luck, I won't need to mess about with this stuff again, and I can get back to throwing in bucketloads of new material!

(although I've yet to make that "goal" display any better, up top!)

Here's to November 13th!
.. and Friday for the beta peeps!
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