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Lack of Blogging... Blog
5th September 2011
Sorry folks, kinda ran out of oomph again, there!

Now, Where were we?


Today I finished off the most important sections of Sheep Goes Left DS.
The music.

ALL the music is now done.
It's complete!
The whole kit and kaboodle!
.. except the little intro jingle, but.. I'm not sure how the new menu system would manage that.

If it's needed, I'll do that, too..

In addition to the music, all the iOS levels have been played through, tweaked where needed, retweaked until playable, and saved in their nice new states.
This means two things.

1. There's now 100 levels! woot!!
2. Some of the levels are a BITCH!!! (but are all entirely do-able, and have been retested over and over)
3. The editor works, saves, et all!


The editor's still a little .. um.. "developer", but it'll do.. I really can't be arsed making it any neater!

Tomorrow (or whenever it is that I get around to it) I need to fix the death/lives/skip system, add in the scoring, and then lock all the levels up so that the game actually plays like it should.

Not long to wait, now, until the first "proper" release!
.. wtf do I call it..?
"Sheep Goes Left : The iOS Pack"
sounds a bit plain..

I'll have to think of a really stupid pun.

"The Quest for an Apple?"
"An Apple a Day?"
"Sheep's Appy Adventure?"
"Sheep Goes Left : iWander Why?"
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