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The Menu... Blog
21st August 2011
I've mentioned, previously, how I'm going to attempt to make a 4-game template system.
A couple of days ago, I started a neat little menu, but.. it really wasn't up to much.
Today, I restarted said little menu, and it's turned out quite a bit nicer.

We open with 4 nice oversized icons.

Each icon will act as the game's Cover/Titlescreen, so nice little fancy icons will be required.
(The current ones are just temporary test buttons, obviously!!)

The icons are actually 256x256 images (512x512 in Retina), but scaled ingame, with those nice rounded corner things added as a secondary overlay.

Once tapped, we flick to that game's menu....


We now have a difficulty selection, a play button under your thumb, and a back button.
It all swoops from the 4-menu to this one, and back again, all nice and swooshily, because it would be a bit shit if it didn't. (video once everything's finalised)

And all it took was...
5 hours of work.. FIVE!!!

And yet there's still more to do.
I need to add jingles, scoreboards, gamecenter boards, badges, and things like that.
Once all that's in, I'll copy the folder, keep it as a template, and get started on a nice little pack of 4 games.

... that's a lot to do..
.. again..
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