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Things that are pissing me off.. Blog
19th August 2011
Rant Ahoy!!!


Sorry, feeling quite ranty after having to tweak some stuff..

1. Meta Description
The deal is, I take a snippet of my site's content, slap it into the meta description tag.
The tag MUST (because the "rules" say so) be up at the top, in the header.
The head is up at the top, the php's just starting. We've not opened up the SQL yet, because bad things might happen.
The content is dealt with when the php's halfway down the page, the SQL's opened up, and things are being read properly..

That is the most retarded rule I've ever come across in my life.

We instead need a

Google, get on it.

2. GameCenter
Here's how I list the top 10 scores.
"Hello Apple, I am X user, and I'd like the top 10 scores for "this game, this board" thankyou."
I then get back.
"Hello user, here is the top 10 scores, and each score contains a User ID!"

If I want User Names on the top 10 list, I have to go.
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 1's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 2's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 3's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 4's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 5's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 6's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 7's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 8's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 9's name?"
"Hello Apple, what's User ID 10's name?"

And all the while, the user's data is being used up, and the scoreboard fills up at the rate of that annoying dripping tap that never quite shuts off.

If you've used the GameCenter app, and had to wait-wait-wait-wait-wait whilst it fills up the bugger-all, that's why that's happening..

Quick fix..
"Hello user, here is the top 10 scores, and each score contains a FUCKING NAME!!!!"

3. The GBATemp Effect
GBATemp is a forum full of the evils of piracy, and all of it's sections contain thieves and evil-do-ers.
For this reason, discussion of GBATemp is disallowed on many homebrew sites, and it's seen as a wrong thing to talk about.

Which is annoying because of one thing.
GBATemp has an absolute crapload of users.
Thousands daily.
Massive amounts.
And the people at GBATemp do something that most folk don't.
They respond!!!!!!!!

At a quick count, the GBADev Sheep topic contains 8 posts (5 by me), and the GBATemp Sheep topic contains 40 posts (16 by me).

GBATemp may be filled with "YARrrrrrggghhh", but it's also full of people who give a damn.
Don't ignore the people.
Views 103, Upvotes 16  
Gamedev , Gbatemp
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Blog - Things that are pissing me off.. - AGameAWeek