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Slowly becoming like E.A. Blog
16th April 2009
It's been 30 weeks since I last tackled Horizontal Shooter.

The last time, I used BlitzMax.
It was wonderful, and gave me all manner of nice swirly effects for those lovely background lines.

Until it came to running it on other systems, whereby a huge amount of incompatibilities arose, and the game kinda fell on it's arse and died.

Oh dear.

30 weeks on, let's give it another go!-=-=-

H~S~R : Horizontal Shooter Redux

I've now settled into Blitz3D, so I'm using that to perform all the niceties.
Having performed a hundred different attempts, this morning, I've settled on a nice effect that also keeps the framerate going.

For those techy amongst you, the approximate method is like so.

2D Mode
Draw Buffer
3D Mode
Overscale and Draw Texture
Render2D and 3D mode mixed
Copy to Buffer

2D Mode
Draw buffer

3D Mode
Do game stuff

2D Mode
Add additional lines to buffer
Shift buffer over a wee bit
Copy buffer to texture

And then repeat ALL of that, every single frame.
It's a bit nuts, to be honest, but it's nice and quick, and doesn't seem to be slowing down on my other PC (where H~S runs at about 2 fps!)

You can see the nice swirly swirl of the ship here.

I've not added anything else yet, though, 'cos it took me absolutely ages getting this up to speed. (30fps from 14!!!)
btw, I've limited it at 30fps. It might seem a bit silly, but 30's nice enough, and the game's still lovely and smooth.

Suggestions for new the H~S are welcome.
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