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nngh.. Blog
4th August 2011
I wrote tonight's Socoder Newsletter earlier today, so that I didn't have to do it tonight.
The Plan?
Get home, head to the Mac, Code some Daisy Chains..

The Reality?
Get home, head to the Mac, answer emails, post tweet replies, forums stuffs, and then my phone started yelling at me because I haven't posted today's blog yet.


Sod it, let's blog a rant then..

.. you wanna know what I don't get..?-=-=-

Today I was twitter-back-and-forthing with Andrew_J_Baker2, who's all into HTML5 and fancy things like that.
Since I started doing things in PlayMyCode, I've gotten a number of HTML5 peeps following me, thinking I know a lot about HTML5.
As the PlayMyCode developers, or anyone who's ever rightclick+view source'd Socoder or my GameArchive will happily tell you, I'm SO not a HTML5 coder!!
I can barely handle HTML1!!
(Silly Jay still doesn't have a Doctype!!)

But they follow, and if they have interesting things to say, I'll quite happily follow back.
.. if they're too spammy? well, I'm quite fussy with my Twitterfollows!

So, there we were chatting away, when Andrew sent me the following tweet.

Maybe you could join us on the #bbg channel over on at some point. Would be good dude.

BBG : Building Browser Games
A group of people who, I can only assume, got together due to their love of browser technology, and Flash, HTML and things of that style.

These are exactly the sort of people who, right now, should be absolutely 100% right at the top of the HTML5 chain, doing the most awesome techy/codey/fancy stuff that would amaze anyone.

The thing I don't get is this..

... Why in the shitting hell are they still using IRC?!
Between them they could easily build something awesome!
Something BETTER than awesome!!

Somewhere, at some point, surely somebody must've gone "Erm, guys, we're still using IRC.."

Hell, even I managed to cobble together Socoder's MUDchat!
Sure, I inevitably threw out the whole MUD part, since I didn't really have a plan, and it fell flat on it's arse.. But it works as a chatroom.
You can use BBCode in it, read through the chatlogs, shift to different rooms, mute idiots and more.
And I'm SHIT at this stuff!

I just don't understand why they're still using IRC!!

At the very least, code a nice super-mega-HTML5-frontend for IRC, so you can say "Join us on irc, LINK", instead of having to give clues as to how to access it.

.. I'm baffled by the continuous use of old-tech, when the people using it are exactly the same ones that should be doing something about making it newer, easier, and better!!!

I'm going playing with my Daisies.
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