New games every week!
The Adventure Continues!! .. tomorrow.. Blog
1st August 2011
Totally drained, today. Just about managed to post a few random DaisyChain based posts/emails, and that's about it.
Out of all of 'em, I'm hoping the TIGSource one prods interest a little, but..
.. I dunno..
Almost a day later, only 25 views, and 0 replies.. .. It's not looking good.

*Jay grabs the defibs and cranks up the charge*



Tonight I received an email from, who apparently cross promote iOS apps quite well.
They have a UI/Library/SDK/"Whatever you call it" which handles adverts, and they pop up at random intervals to cross promote all the games under their little umbrella.
Does the job.

But you know me.
Having that one advert at the top of this blog is really really really unlike me.
Having a couple more in my GameList is also very much not the regular Jay.
The ads were placed there as a test, and since nobody got upset, I just plain left 'em there.

But would I shove a fullscreen advert into the face of a player?!

In fact, I'd also stay clear of ingame "bar" adverts too.. Personally I keep inadvertently clicking the bloody things when in the middle of a game.

There are reasons that I'm not popular! Being pissed off at cross promotions is probably one of them.
Being pissed off at people who join an iOS Retweet Club and then retweet about 50-odd apps every damn day, until it drives you mental and you inevitably unfollow them, is probably another one of them.

Would it be nice to have all those apps, and all those twitter folk mention my games?!
Sure thing!!

Would it kill me to do the same?
Not in the slightest!!

Would it piss everybody off?!


It'd do that..

So I won't.
Views 44, Upvotes 13  
Ios Dev
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 83

Blog - The Adventure Continues!! .. tomorrow.. - AGameAWeek