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EasyCoco!! Blog
10th April 2011
I'm thinking along the lines of the good old EasyAmos, here!
Although, whether mine is easier or not isn't for me to judge, is it!?


If I WERE to judge it, though, my opinion would be "Fuck me, that's a shitload easier!!"
EasyCoco does exactly what it's meant to do.
It takes the wonderful Cocos2D engine, leaves everything intact, and then adds a bunch of little functions/sprite handling/bits and pieces so that you can just do the bit where the game goes.

If Cocos2D is a big solid coconut, EasyCoco is one that's already been smashed open and is ready to get down to business.

Note to Cocos2D people : YOU SHOULD DO THIS, TOO! It'd be nice to have an official version of this.

The Framework
A nice big 5Mb file.
Download, Unzip, Get going.

Latest Tweaks - 13th April 2011
Rejigged for iPad compatibility (oops!)
If anyone has access, lemmie know if it does/doesn't work on one!
Pause menu has a couple of nicer icons on it for Pause/Quit/Mute, but otherwise that's about it.

View on YouTube

I'll add more info/tutorials/tweaks as the week progresses.. Been busy bundling all of this together, today! Still haven't started a game yet!!

Extra Tools
EasyCoco Scraper
Download this to your Mac, open it up using a text editor, change the App ID, save, then run it in Terminal.
After a bit of time, you'll have a Tab-Seperated-List file, which contains ALL the AppReviews currently in the iTunes database. (Woot!!!)
Open this with your favourite spreadsheet proggy, or an online one.

EasyCoco Tools
(both of these tools contain BlitzMax Sourcecode, as well as a Windows and Mac exe)

Icon Maker : EasyCoco Tools
If you're anything like me, it'll really tick you off trying to figure out all the different icon sizes that Apple seem to require you to make.
Absolutely mind-boggling...
The first of these tools does all that for you.

Font Maker : EasyCoco Tools
Throw some fonts into a folder, run the tool, get a bunch of bitmap fonts.
This really is the lazy man's approach to font making!

Credit Cocos2D
Everything in here is part of Cocos2D.
Cocos2D is fantastic, and all credit should be given to them.
All this is, is an alternative way of having it packaged together, along with a bunch of functions that are all stuffed into a great bit file!
If you're doing title screen credits, give the creds to Cocos2D. They've done the hard work. They deserve the thanks.
If you're doing a separate credit screen, you can shove my name in there
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Blog - EasyCoco!! - AGameAWeek