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Weekend Lazyness Blog
4th April 2011
I've got a whole month to do a framework, so apparently that means I'm going to be a lazy git who does sod all, then crams the whole framework into the last day!
.. Well, hopefully not, but I did manage to cram in a couple of hours of Burnout, yesterday!
Been a long while since I sat and played a game for that long.

Speaking of which, I could probably do with some SpikeDislike time. My scores aren't the best!!
I'm currently about the middle of most scoreboards, which really sucks when you consider I wrote the thing. Still, some people's scores.. Seriously.. WTF!?

How on earth are those scores even slightly possible!?
I just don't have that kind of time!

So, Monday, and the Framework work continues.
I attempted to Blend some sprites, today, using various blend methods. .. Nothing seemed to make any kind of difference at all, so I'm probably going to ignore that!

I made a quick tappable image function (darkens picture when tapped, returns >0 ) and will be using that to craft a cheap-ass menu screen, which'll then open up the main game, which will be a cheap-ass test thing.

After that I should start work on Audio stuff. That'll probably take another day or two, depending on what I add. Not entirely sure, just yet.

If I can bash through this quickly enough, and my neck doesn't completely sieze up, I should be able to get a test framework online in a day or two.
I'm not going to clean this up, by the way. You'll get it as it comes!!! And it comes messy!
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