New games every week!
Oh, Monkey.. Blog
18th March 2011
A few hours with Monkey today.

A game idea was planned (finally!) and attempted, but I realised I had rotation issues.
Tried and tried to get the rotate and scaling working together with numerous results.
One time the sprites were rotating away from their midpoints, another they were scaling all over the place, and on and on it went..
After a while everything seemed sorted.
Then I clicked to a different resolution, and it all went to hell again.


No matter, try again tomorrow.

Meanwhile, this is Chrome.

This is Firefox...

And this is IE...

Is all this worth it?!
Find out on Tuesday, when I may or may not release a game in my older BlitzMax framework!!!
Views 99, Upvotes 18  
Monkey-x , Glbasic , Monkey_or_glbasic
New games every week!
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