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Y3:W21 - Tiny Ass
7th March 2011
Take one part Asteroids, and mix in... um..
.. hmm... -=-=- You know what I loved about Asteroids? That little thrill when the asteroids split into two, and you go "OMG! There's more!!!" So, that's kinda what I did here. Think of it as a sort of Asteroids meets Sorcerer's Apprentice! Simple controls : Left/right, fire to fire, up to thrust, and down to stop. Simple gameplay : Shoot rocks! Simple powerups : Gravity well, Bullet hole, Shield Job done! View on YouTube PS,Try to play this game in as big a resolution as you can, so it's not as tiny! You can Download Tiny Ass for Windows, Mac and eventually for Linux, too, once I finally bother to fix the thing. Ask me if you're desperate! --- AGAW Scoring : 21 weeks, loads of games! Views 174, Upvotes 20
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