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Y3:W20 - Mr Swing
1st March 2011
I've written that as "Mr Spike" about 30-odd times, this week. *sigh* Really have to start a new iPhing game, some time!
-=-=- A "Programmer Art" game, this week... I spent much more time tweaking the "fake-physics" on this, than I probably should've done. In fact, this is one of those where you go "FFS, Jay, get some proper physics!" Aw well.. Left or Right key (or Z/X) to throw a rope. Hold it to swing.. Let go to let go. Try to pop all the bubbles. You can Download Mr Swing here for Windows or Mac. I really really really should fix my Ubuntu install!! --- AGAW Scoring : 20 weeks, 19/43 (games/minigames) Views 154, Upvotes 15
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