Time to think ahead, make a plan, and decide on what happens next.
1. Week Four
There's still another Monday in January, so I've gotta make another "Adventure" game for the month.
I haven't anything planned.
I suggested a Patreon Special game. That might work out ok.
But that would definitely not be a fore-planned game idea! I've no idea what to do, there.
I also suggested maybe doing a SpikeDislike theme each month.
And what about FiveWords? Should I be making a game on there?
Thoughts in the comments or the Discord
2. Blog Titles
I need to rethink that "25-01-Theme: Date: Blog Title" blog title thing. Good grief, that's a mess. So, um, maybe just "Theme: Date: Blog Title"? That might look a bit better.
Maybe I could draw little icons? How many icons would that require, though, and where am I getting those from?
Can I do Emoji in the topic titles? (Can you see the Joystick in this post's topic??)
Hey, maybe the monthly themes could just be Emoji..?!?!
3. Next Month
I need to plan ahead for next month, but that needs a theme/word/whatever. So if you have an idea for next month, let me know!
Again, comments or the Discord.
I need to plan ahead?
I have to have a think?
What am I gonna do,
Within A Game A Week?
Come up with a set of tasks to keep things looking active.
Lots of little games that maybe somehow look attractive.
I need a plan.
I'll think it through.
I'm still not sure.
What I can do.
And so I'll plan,
The things I'll make,
Perhaps with spikes,
And gems, so fake.
A little action game.
Perhaps a puzzle.
Another board game, maybe?
Or just a crazy test.
Come up with a set of tasks to keep things looking active.
Lots of little games that maybe somehow look attractive.
I need a plan.
I'll think it through.
I'm still not sure.
What I can do.
And so I'll plan,
The things I'll make,
Perhaps with spikes,
And gems, so fake.
Ext. Dave's Garden
[Dave is attaching enormous CO2 cylinders to his vending machine while muttering to himself. His shoes make sticky noises as he moves around the Cola-stained grass]
Dave: This feels wrong. So very very wrong.
Green: The cylinders?
Dave: No, the existential brand crisis! Look at all these Cola stickers I'll have to [gasp] remove!
Green: Because it's not actually Cola anymore?
Dave: Shhhhh! Not in front of the collection!
[Dave frantically starts covering Cola logos with masking tape]
Dave: What if the vintage cans stop talking to me? It's been through so much change in the past few months. From RCHomes to a bunker, and now here where I don't know anyone.
Green: You know Stew.
Dave: Steve?
Green: Yeah, and Mrs Timpson.
Dave: Sure, but they're not as exciting as Matt or Bill or Joe or Andy. And there's no mysterious Ginger cat, either.
Green: Perhaps once the new fizzy marvel is complete, they'll come around for fizzy drinks.
[Steve walks past, his shoes making squelching sounds]
Steve: How's the rebranding going?
Dave: I'm thinking... The Effervescent Engine!
Green: That's actually quite clever. Well done, Dave.
Dave: Of course it is! Just like my Cola-proofed oven.
Steve: Will it help to keep my garden less sticky?
Dave: It'll make it... effervescently efficient!
[Dave slides down the ladder, happy with the job that he's done.]
Dave: Done.
Green: Dave, I can literally see the word Coke all over the machine.
Dave: Yep.
Green: Then you haven't done much of a rebrand, have you?
Dave: I only just came up with the name. We'll need to print some new stickers, first. To the Desktop Publisher!!
[End credits]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:22: OK, Now What? 🕹️ - AGameAWeek