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2025 - 03 - Hexagoin Blog
21st January 2025

Head to the goal, grab coins, but hexagonal!!
You can Play Hexagoin in the Shoebox


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As in "Where the Hexagoin'?"

If you head to the Rules, you can change the game to use 3, 4 or 6-based dice.
3 is the default, 4 is a bit silly, and 6 makes the game so insanely hard that you'll find yourself endlessly going backwards, and it'll drive you crazy!
.. But if you've got the time, do try it with 6's, and let me know how bafflingly difficult you find to play it like that!

What I Didn't Do

I guess there could've been a ton more cards to collect, but I gave up trying to come up with any, and whenever I asked ChatGPT&Co, they kept coming up with "A card to lose health" and similar things that really didn't make any sense without health.
So, um, maybe I could've added Health?
But the way the game keeps jumping you back&forth at random, it likely wouldn't have been a good addition to the game.

You can Play Hexagoin in the Shoebox
Views 274, Upvotes 5  
Shoebox , Release
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 86

Blog - 2025 - 03 - Hexagoin - AGameAWeek