I spent a good hour or so trying to figure out why I broke it.
I should probably be jotting down all these numerical variable functions into some sort of spreadsheet, or at the very least a few commented lines of what I'm using them for.
But yesterday I reused one, and the whole game broke down in a chaotic fashion!
It's my own fault.
Decades of old-skool methodology has lead to me using a plr[0-1500] array for all manner of bits and pieces. Scores, lives, position, speed, acceleration, and in Shoebox's case, doing that for multiple players, whose turn it is, measuring those little timer-based events and more.
It's the way I grew up. I make a single array and I reuse it. It reduces the risk of a memory leak if all your values are stuck within a chunk of memory that you've pre-determined.
But when you smash it headfirst into the world of rapid-prototyping that is AGameAWeek, and you're haphazardly coding games at a rate of 50+ games a year, and you're jumping between various projects in various languages, and not jotting down what values you're using for what purpose.
... Yeah, that's bound to happen.
I eventually got the game working again, but I've wasted a good hour or so of dev-time trying to fix it.
Today I need to get the last few cards working, ensure the AI can play to the best of its ability, and then do the end-screen.
It shouldn't be too hard.
Int. Dave's Study - Sunday Morning
[Dave sits at his desk, trying to code, but frequently glancing out the window]
Dave: That's the fourth person walking past in an hour.
Lady Computer: [displays an image of a church]
Dave: Not now, Lady Computer, I'm monitoring suspicious activity.
[Dave sees Mrs. Thompson walk past in a nice dress]
Dave: See! They're even dressed up for it. Must be planning something.
Lady Computer: [displays multiple religious symbols]
Dave: What's with all the crosses?
Dave: [Typing frantically] Green would know what's going on, but he never visits on Sundays.
[Dave spots Steve walking past with his family]
Dave: Steve, too? This is bigger than I thought!
[Bells are heard in the distance.]
Dave: Bells? This must be important. Maybe they're having a meeting to throw me out like they did at RCHomes?!
[Dave returns to his Cola computing]
Dave: I'm not going to worry. It's nothing to worry about. I'll just code, and make great things, and ..
[Dave returns to the window]
Dave: Why is she carrying a tray of muffins? What's going on!?
Lady Computer: [displays an image of a church again]
Dave: I bet there's a conspiracy going on.
[End credits]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:19: Tweaks That Break - AGameAWeek