You know that bit at the end of Snakes and Ladders where you need to roll an exact dice to get to the end square?
.. Imagine that but the whole board!
It's not "too" bad, but I've had a few occasions where I've been going around in circles because I can't quite roll the right number to move on.
Is that a bad thing, or not? I'm not sure.
It's quite frustrating when the opponent flies across the board and you're left stumbling around the home square.
.... But isn't that half the fun of a dice-rolling board game?!
Anyway, it's currently in an "almost there" state.
I need to add a CPU player, do the Gem tally at the end, and add the functionality of a few of the cards, but otherwise it's coming together quite nicely.
And.. It is, even at this unfinished stage, quite a nice little board game.
I think.
I'm sure you'll let me know once it's ready for release.
Maybe. I've got a Doctor's appointment on Monday, though, so it might be late on Monday!
I rolled a one. I didn't want a one.
I wanted a three. I'll just let it be.
And move to the three. I guess that it's for me.
Instead of the one that I wanted to land upon.
Roll the dice. Move around.
Toward the home tile, You are bound.
Roll again, Seek the places,
That you go to. They'll all be aces.
I rolled me a five, so I jumped right ahead.
To get to the goal, I left you for dead.
Pick up the gems and avoid all the dangers,
I try to beat all the other rangers.
Roll the dice. Move around.
Toward the home tile, You are bound.
Roll again, Seek the places,
That you go to. They'll all be aces.
I duck and dive and move along,
A path that's paved with hexagons.
To see if I can win this race,
And grab the gems from in this place.
Another round, I'll try again,
To earn more gems than all of them,
And maybe I will earn a win,
Before another game begins.
Roll the dice. Move around.
Toward the home tile, You are bound.
Roll again, Seek the places,
That you go to. They'll all be aces.
Int. Supermarket
[Dave is hurriedly pushing a trolley, glancing at signs, looking for the drinks aisle]
Steve: Hey, it's Dave! How's the computer thing going?
Dave: Oh! Hello... mate! It's going great, just getting supplies.
Steve: Good shop, this. They have plenty of unusual foodstuffs. My Diane really likes the pizza flavoured crackers they do.
Dave: Cool. So, you're from number...
Steve: 38. Me and the kids came around to see the big coke thing the other day. Man, that was something.
Dave: Right! Greg, right?
Steve: No, no, Greg's the youngest. I'm Steve.
Dave: Oh yeah, Steve.
[Dave starts slowly wheeling his trolley sideways towards the next aisle]
Steve: They loved the big fizzy thing. Though my youngest kept asking if it could play Minecraft.
Dave: *perking up* Actually, I'm working on that! Just need more Cherry Cola for the debug protocols.
Steve: My wife says the garden's been a bit sticky, since, though...
Dave: That's just excess processing power!
[Dave spots the drinks aisle sign]
Steve: We were wondering about your old place. A retirement homes, was it?
Dave: *distracted* Oh, yeah. Had to leave after some... experiments.
Steve: Mrs. Thompson mentioned something about cornflakes?
Dave: Oh, that wasn't anything. Just .. You know. Cornflakes.
Steve: Uh-huh?
Dave: [spots a "New Varieties" sign] Alrighty, gotta go. This is my aisle. Time to fill'er up!
[Dave bolts towards the drinks aisle]
Dave: [already loading multiple varieties] The bubbles are calling! Science needs me!
[End credits]
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:18: Clicking Around - AGameAWeek