Took a day off, yesterday, and played with a camera. (phone? .. camera)
One of those days where my head's a little more swirly than usual, so had to shut down the mental gymnastics of coding, and anything else.
So instead, then I decided to faff about with some old technology. .. As you do!
I pulled out my old Lumia 1020 "phone".. I say phone, but it's pretty much a completely worthless piece of tech, all but for the camera.
The camera's quite impressive, being a 41 Megapixel camera. Not bad for modern tech, never mind a phone I bought back in 2014.
I mean, that's a really nice big image, right?
The issue is the lack of Optical Image Stabilisation. If I try my best to hold the camera (phone?.. ... camera) steady on the sofa, I can get a less-than-blurry image, and it's quite nice, but most of the time, my less than steady hands makes for a blurry mess of pics.
I really do like the power of this camera, but it's quite the let-down when you add my shaky hands into the mix. I honestly can't believe it's a decade old, already.
And.. you know.. the fact that Microsoft gave up on phones, completely. Sure would be good to see where this technology could've gone, had Microsoft carried on making the Lumia brand, stuck with Windows Mobile, built the ecosystem properly, instead of just plain giving up with everything.
Of course, with it being Windows Phone, it's a right pain in the arse to get the photos out of it if all your tech is Apple'd up.
Or at least, it would be, if not for my handy little Rogally, which is really coming into its own as a gadget to do Window'y based things with!
Now I can plug the Windows Phone into the Windows Device and finally get those nice hi-res images out of the thing, and transfer them bit by bit over to the Mac.
I jokingly commented to Mum that I was "developing" the photos, as I had to go from Phone, through a wire (good grief!!! A wire!!) to the Rogally, then wirelessly transferred them from there to the Mac so she could see them nice and big on the telly, once they'd transferred to the iCloud, through to the AppleTV!!!
Bit by bit.
When iCloud wants to bother doing any syncing.
Oh Lumia. (Woo)
You're a really awesome camera.
But as a phone, you weren't that great.
So a camera you shall be.
Oh Lumia. (Woo)
Your app store's been closed forever.
I removed your sim card long ago,
But at least your camera works,
Microsoft you bunch of idiots.
Why did you give up on all of it.
Built a O.S. for a phone,
Then threw it all away.
Microsoft how did you fail,
To make an epic Lumia sale.
It died a death 'cos you gave up,
Before it had a chance.
I remember back in the early two-thousands,
When I had my Orange S.P.V.
I would edit all the X.M.L.
To tweak the desktop just for me.
The usability was kinda cool,
As I tapped all the physical buttons.
And I even made a game or two,
So that people could enjoy it as much as me,
And play Stringy Things
and little games
like J.N.K. Plat
and more.
Microsoft you bunch of idiots.
Why did you give up on all of it.
Built a O.S. for a phone,
Then threw it all away.
Microsoft how did you fail,
To make an epic Lumia sale.
It died a death 'cos you gave up,
Before it had a chance.
Int. Dave's Living Room - Evening
[The giant vending machine can be seen through the window. Mrs. Thompson sits nervously on the sofa while Dave makes coffee]
Dave: Sugar?
Mrs. Thompson: Just milk, thanks.
[Dave opens Mr Standard Fridge, and is relieved that there's a bottle of milk in there.]
Mrs. Thompson: That was quite the show earlier.
Dave: The Colanary? That's nothing. You should have seen what happened at RCHomes.
Mrs. Thompson: RCHomes?
Dave: My old place. It was a huge apartment complex for retired coders, but I had to leave after an... incident.
[Dave hands over coffee, sitting down with his own mug... of Cola]
Mrs. Thompson: An incident?
Dave: Well, there was this security guard called Archie...
Mrs. Thompson: Oh dear.
Dave: And a bag of sugar. Through a window. Into someone's car.
Mrs. Thompson: Is that why you moved here?
Dave: Actually, no. That was fine. Matt sorted it. It was the statues in the bunker that caused the biggest collapse.
[Lady Computer displays a warning]
Dave: And then there was the Friends incident...
Mrs. Thompson: The TV show?
Dave: No, actual friends. Or they were friends, until the seventh or eighth time that I blew the power to the whole building.
Mrs. Thompson: That doesn't sound ...too bad.
Dave: I know, right. Just a bad week is all. I mostly wanted the Coke for myself.
[Green enters]
Green: Hi Dave. Hi Mrs Thornton.
Dave: Just explaining why I moved here!
Green: Aaah.. *to Mrs. Thompson* The corn flakes?
Dave: That was YOUR fault!
Mrs. Thompson: *sipping coffee nervously* He hasn't mentioned any corn flakes.
Green: [heads to the kitchen] I'll get myself a brew, Dave. Don't you get up on my account.
Dave: Ok! So, the corn flakes. Man, I forgot about that.
[End credits roll as Dave tries to explain the cornflakes incident]
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