We're two weeks in, and already I'm behind schedule. This isn't going well, is it!!?
Currently my issues with the JSE Adventure game are..
1. When there's too many spiders on the screen, the game slows to a crawl.
2. When you reach the level end, the spiders keep attacking you. I can disable the health-impact of that, but there's another element that makes that awkward..
3. When that happens, there's a buttload of spiders gathered around the exit, making it really hard for player two to get there.
Oh, and there's a buttload of issues related to the fact that, yes, I just said player two.
The game's actually handling the two players fairly well, though. I was expecting it to freak out at the prospect of it, but.. as long as you've a controller and keyboard, you can actually play alongside each other in a decent manner.
But things like "one player dies and the other reaches the exit" causes all manner of glitchiness, and that's happening a lot when the other player has to somehow make it through a swarm of spiders who have followed the first player into the level exit!!
Right, today then..
1. Fix up the slowdown. Not sure on the best methodology, but I think it might be a case of reducing the number of spiders doing anything at any given time. Staggered movement might be best for these guys.
2. "Maybe" add some sort of "go this way" thing, but having played a number of dungeons, I'm not too sure it needs it. Finding the path yourself seems much more fun.
3. Stress test the two player mode, as best I can.
All that should be easy enough, I reckon.
With any luck, I should be posting the game later today.
.. And then swiftly moving on to finishing off the hexagon thing.
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
[bugle break]
Keep all the code running fast, running smooth.
Make it quick, make it steady, make it tried and true.
Gotta poke all the bytes, peek it right and tight,
Run it all through the loops, 'til it's late at night.
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
[snare break]
[verse 2]
Squash all the bugs, splat, make it all cleanly.
Optimize lines, and the functions keenly.
From the first little test to the final deploy,
You'll deliver all the games that bring them joy.
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
[triangle break]
Debug. Deploy.
Refactor the code.
Version control.
Upload to the Server (Take it in stride.)
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
Code, two, three, four
Test, two, three, four
Tweak, two, three, four
Play, two, three, four
Int. Dave's Living Room - Morning
[A Coke vending machine stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by wires connecting to bottles in various states of fullness]
Dave: Perfect! Lady Computer, prepare to evolve!
Dave: But look - each bottle is a perfect colanary unit. Full is 2, half is 1, empty is 0!
Lady Computer: *"NO NO NO"*
[Dave starts connecting more wires]
Dave: Just like the hospital system, but better!
Lady Computer: *"ALERT ALERT ALERT"*
Dave: It's ok, Lady Computer. The bottles are safe inside the vending machine. Even if they froth up like yesterday, they'll be contained. And I've even added a giant straw a the bottom. We'll be ok.
Lady Computer: *emergency shutdown sequence*
[Dave frantically types while drinking from one of his 'variables']
Dave: No, wait!! The bubbles of power will be our future.
Lady Computer: *"That file is not Splittable via Beverage"*
Dave: Everything's splittable if you have enough cola!
Lady Computer: *"ERROR: Cola is for drinking, not computing"*
[Vending machine starts making strange noises]
Dave: Here we go! It's working!
Lady Computer: *"WARNING: Anti-Coke detected"*
Dave: What? NO! Not again!
Vending Machine: *mechanical grinding sounds*
[Sparks start flying from the wires]
Dave: Quick! Get some Debug Cola. Where's the Diet Coke?
[The cable connecting Lady Computer and the vending machine suddenly unplugs and flings across the room]
Dave: No! We were SO close!!!
[End credits]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:14: Last Few More Tweaks - AGameAWeek