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25-01-Adventure:12: Better Builder Blog
12th January 2025
The level generator is now a little smoother in its building.


Our little "gyro" is now in a dungeon full of walls, doors and spiders.
Arrgh! Generic Spider Sprite Reuse!!!!

If you ever played the ancient 8-bit game "Dandy", that's pretty much the style I'm going for with this one, but with the obvious quirks that will exist due to everything being pseudo-randomly generated.
I have at least got the level generator to ensure that all areas are reachable, though that might be entirely dependent on how many keys you've managed to collect.
Balancing the keys will be.. key!

The overall size has been reduced from 10x10 to 5x5 screens worth of dungeon, but it makes for a much more playable area. You can kinda learn where things are, should that even be necessary. Right now it's all about trying to find the exit (which is currently a big X! I need to draw that!)

I'm currently trying to decide on the best way to direct the player to the exit without making things really blinkin' obvious. Maybe a beat, or a pulse or something. That could work, right? The closer you are, the faster the beat?

Whatever method, I'd better hurry up and implement it. It's already Sunday!

A.I. Corner

Lyrics : Half me, half ChatGPT
Sound Imported : Indistinguishably Repetitive
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"Cartoon Derek optimises his dungeon building skills" by Replicate/Flux

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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:12: Better Builder - AGameAWeek