Truth be told, it's been off and on all week. Saturday was the first flurry, Sunday it was rained away, Tuesday it came back, Wednesday was icy all day, and Thursday was an extra sprinkling of the white stuff.
Snowed in, then, Me and Mum have been kinda restless, so there's been plenty of Scrabble (or at least, Words with Friends) and a whole lot of sitting around wondering what to do with ourselves.
I know I don't exactly get out much, but when you can't even go for a short trip to the shops, it really does start to get on your nerves a little.
.. All that is to say, my mind wasn't in a coding mood, yesterday, and now I'm not sure which of the two concurrent projects will be appearing first, on Monday.
Will it be the JSE Dungeon thing, or will it be the Shoebox Hexagon thing?
Who knows.
Speaking of the Shoebox Hexagon thing, if you can think of a punchy one-or-two word title for a board game about hexagons, gems and cards, be sure to let me know via the comments or the Discord, because it's currently called "Microquest" and I really don't like that name!!
Right then, focus on the coding today.
Time to boost one of the two projects into "almost ready" territory.
I'm making two games, but I'm not sure which,
Will make the release date on Monday.
I'll try my best to finish one,
Then hopefully you'll have a little fun day.
Finish it off.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
Will it be hexagons that you have to pass through,
To get to the goal before the others around,
Who are equally running through hexagonal mazes,
Trying hard to dodge the spikes and grab the gems.
Seems like all of my games are like this in the end.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
I'm making two games, but I'm not sure which,
Will make the release date on Monday.
I'll try my best to finish one,
Then hopefully you'll have a little fun day.
Finish it off.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
Perhaps in the dungeon I can make a nice plan,
And the rooms will be cluttered with dangers,
That the player avoids while they gather the gems,
and avoid all the spikes that are also in there.
Seems like all of my games are like this in the end.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
I'm making two games, but I'm not sure which,
Will make the release date on Monday.
I'll try my best to finish one,
Then hopefully you'll have a little fun day.
Finish it off.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
Well at least it isn't floppy disks (floppy disks)
And Greenie searching all around for them.
Because if it was only floppy disks (floppy disks)
Then I think that all the players would leave.
Because they need a floppy disk reprieve.
And then the spikes would come along,
And the game would look quite wrong,
'cos instead of an adventure, it's a grumpy old balding man.
Seems like all of my games are like this in the end.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
I'm making two games, but I'm not sure which,
Will make the release date on Monday.
I'll try my best to finish one,
Then hopefully you'll have a little fun day.
Finish it off.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
(doo do do-doo)
Perhaps I shouldn't have made a game with hexagons (hexagons)
Perhaps the square tiles should've been there all along (all along)
Perhaps I should have added in some creatures from the deep (the deep)
And made it underwater with some bubbles for the game board and a draining air tank pressuring you onwards to your goal, which would be a floating ocean liner up above the water level, waiting there to rescue you from a giant octopus that's chasing after you.
(Or maybe the hexagons are ok.)
Finish it off.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
Finish it off.
(doo do doo do doo doo)
Finish it off.
Int. Dave's Kitchen - Evening
[Dave and Green are sat at the kitchen bench. Dave's sketching new kitchen layout designs while Mrs Microwave beeps repeatedly]
Dave: Will you stop that?
Green: Stop what?
Dave: Not you, Mrs Microwave.
Green: I think she's probably worried about you putting her next to the Air Fryer.
Dave: "She" is, is she? Now who's anthropomorphising the appliances?
Green: Do you want me to fix her? I can get my toolkit out!
[Mrs Microwave beeps three times in quick succession]
Dave: If I move the Cola cans...
Green: You're actually considering moving Cola merchandise?
Dave: Just temporarily. Until Lord Caffeine finds his place.
Dave: Yeah, she's definitely upset!
[Green opens Mrs Microwave's door]
Green: Dave, she can heat milk you know.
Dave: What?
Green: For coffee. You don't need a fancy machine. Mrs Microwave could do it.
Dave: But Lord Caffeine has six different settings!
Mrs Microwave: *angry prolonged beep*
[Dave pats Mrs Microwave consolingly]
Dave: Don't worry, you're still my favourite kitchen appliance.
Mrs Microwave: *smug single beep*
[Dave starts reorganising a large pile of Cola cans]
Dave: Maybe if I stack them differently...
Green: Why don't you put a shelving unit up near the coke fridge, that way they're ready to go straight into the fridge once you've drank a few.
Dave: But then I won't have a cola display pyramid on my countertop!
Green: Normal people don't have cola display pyramids in their kitchen.
Mrs Microwave: *beep*
Dave: See, Mrs Microwave agrees.
Green: ..But with which one of us?
[End credits]
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