I'm tying myself up in knots with this YouTube Trailer guff.
Maybe I should just give in trying to do something new and original, and just plonk gameplay footage onto a template like I used to do.
Not sure, really.
I asked ChatGPT if it knew any easy way I could do a semi-automated beat matched trailer of sorts, and it told me a whole bunch of outdated methods that no longer work in DaVinci Resolve, so I tried them and they didn't work in the slightest. Waste of time that was...!!!
That method got abandoned, and DaVinci Resolve got uninstalled.
So, it's either going to be Apple Motion or Luna Fusion, I reckon.
Any particular methods you can think of would be fantastic to know, so if you've any easy to use methodology to make varied trailers, be sure to let me know in the comments or on the Discord
I played with PS2 emulation on the Rogally yesterday. Having finally got some time to play with the bloomin' thing, I decided to try TimeSplitters 2 (I have it on Xbox.. That's allowed, right?!) on it, and it seems to run silky smooth without too much of an issue, which is nice. Didn't even notice the fan kicking off, which is nice.
For most emulation, I'm using Ludo, which is a simpler-frontend for RetroArch, and works really quite nice for a whole bunch of emulations.
I can't seem to get it playing N64, PS1, PS2, etc, though. Not sure why. I've had to install other emu's for those.
I could also do with computer emu's on it. Amstrad, Spectrum, Amiga, etc.
Those kinda need a keyboard, and though I now do have a lovely dock for doing docked things with (keyboard, mouse, monitor, cd drive, and more) it's not really all that handy when you've undocked it, is it!!!
Gotta make a video.
(Dibi dibi dibio.)
Make another trailer.
(Dib dibi dailer.)
Pop it up on YouTube.
(Dib dibi doo doo.)
Chop Drop the clip, Snip Snip
(Dibi dibidi bidi bip, bip)
dibi bip bip
Render out the magic.
(Dibi dibi dibi jick jick.)
Sync it to the music.
(Dib dibi doo dibi.)
Watch it come together.
(Dib dibi dibilever dibi.)
Snip, Snip Snippy Snap, done in a snap!
(Dib dibi dibi dibibap, dibi dibi bap bap)
dibi dibi dib
Cut it, trim it, snip it, do it
(Make it shine)
Trailer's ready, Dibi dibi, looking fine,
(All the time)
Dibi Dibi (Dibi dibi, online line!)
Dibi bip bip
(Dibi dibidi bidi, whee!)
Snip Snip
Gotta make a vidi-video.
(Dibi dibi dibio.)
Make another other trailer.
(Dib dibi dailer.)
Pop it up on You You Tube Tube.
(Dib dibi doo doo.)
Chop Drop the clip, Snip Snip, clip, snip, clip
(Dibi dibidi bidi bip, bip)
Int. Dave's Computer Room - Morning
[Dave is excitedly showing Green his laptop screen]
Dave: Look! Someone's started a support group!
Green: For what?
Dave: People with appliance-naming anxiety! My program helped them!
Green: What's his name?
Dave: Don't be funny. His name isn't important.
[Lady Computer displays: "Support Group Meeting Tonight - 8PM"]
Dave: Even Lady Computer wants to join!
Green: Dave, that's just your calendar reminder.
Dave: That's what she wants you to think. I'm all prepared for the meetup, tonight!
Green: An actual meet up?
Dave: Well, a gathering. In a forum.
Green: That's not a meetup.
Dave: Sure it is. We all meet up. That's a meetup.
[Matt appears in doorway]
Matt: Hey Dave, what's new?
Dave: Matt! We're having a support group meeting!
Green: He's still stuck in that loop from yesterday.
Matt: Sounds like fun. Where's the meeting.
Dave: It's online. On a forum.
Matt: That's not a meeting.
Green: That's what I said.
Dave: What it's called isn't important.
Green: It kind of is, Dave. It's literally a meeting about names!
Matt: Maybe it should be a "Bob in" meeting.
Dave: Don't be funny. The name isn't important.
[Lady Computer displays "Meeting Attendees: 1"]
Dave: Someone's coming!
Green: That's just you, Dave.
Dave: Oh yeah.
Matt: So, nobody else?
Green: There was someone else, earlier. Who was it who started the group?
[Greenie looks closely]
Green: That's you, isn't it...
Dave: Not necessarily.
Green: Len Ovo.
Dave: Well, it could be someone else.
Green: Dave, let it go...
[End credits]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:08: Still Unsure - AGameAWeek