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Chipshop Discord? Blog
4th October 2024
Oh, Lord, I'm exhausted!!!


Hey, let's have a day out.

It was quite a nice day, yesterday. Not too hot that it boiled my brain-goo, and not too col that it froze it like an ice pop.
No, it was just right. And since I've not had a trip to town for months, me and Mum decided it would be a good idea to do that, before it starts to get REALLY icy cold and wintery and unmanageable.

So we got ready, headed for the bus, and went to the nice fish'n'chips "restaurant" around the corner from the bus station.
A greasy spoon, if you will, but one that isn't really greasy at all. .. Honestly, I don't think my nausea could cope with a proper British Greasy Spoon cafe.

This is the third time we've been in here, now. Once in January, once in April, and once yesterday.
Three adventurous trips around the Town Centre. This time we additionally had a short stroll through what used to be the Market. Unfortunately, as is the way with most towns in the UK of late, they've torn down the Market.
So, we waked through the empty void, to where the were a few shops at the other end, and some of them looked nice, but walking past the Pound Bakery caused waves of nausea inducing sickness, and that wasn't pleasant.
(Note to anyone reading from Pound Bakery : That's not a dig at your product, it's my brain-surgery nausea complications!!)

Might as well do that Discord thing

I did that Discord thing. It's very very barebones right now, but the Invite URL is a temporary-but-likely-permanent fixture on the top right of the site.
If you do that sort of thing, then you can do that sort of thing, now, and I'll try my best to stay active over on that there modern thing.
Honestly, though, I think I'd rather have an internal forum.
It's not like I don't know how to do a forum!!!
But then that means registrations and such, and I'm not sure I can be arsed to bother with that.
Until such a time that I bother to, Discord it is.

Sure, come on 'round!

The woman next door popped around for a few drinks. Her and Mum have gotten quite pally and she often visits maybe once a week or so, and quality chitty-chatting is achieved.
No coding was done, last night, as everyone enjoyed reminiscing about 80s tv, board games and other ye-olde stuff that old people like

Honestly, it was a fun night, and really quite a lengthy day for me.
I was utterly exhausted by the end of the night, though.
If I wasn't waffling on about how long my day was, I'd likely have just blogged "Sorry, didn't get any coding done yesterday."

.. Because, if I'm honest, I didn't get any* coding done yesterday!

(*unless you count adding the Discord icon to the top right of the site! That required a little bit of code.)

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