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JSE - Evil Bunnybot Minefield Blog
11th September 2024

The Evil Bunnybots have invaded the land, dropping dangerous mines all over the beautiful green meadows.
Grab your trusty BMX, and get rid of as many as you can.
You can Play Evil BunnyBot Minefield at JSE.


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- Turn Left/Right
- Pedal

What I Didn't Do

I didn't make a game where you're a stormtrooper on a speeder bike thingy, blasting at high speed through the forest, chasing rebels on similarly speedy bikes.
Or rather, I did, but it felt way too fast and uncontrollable, and the laser-blasters didn't really make much sense given they're only really shoot forwards.
I'd slowed the player down to a regular pedal bike, and eventually the Rebels became Bunnies because.. Why not!
Also, I changed the trees to mines. You might notice they still look a bit Tree'y..
But smash into a tree = dead dead, vs get injured by a mine = "just" a health point.. So I figured that helped the playability a little.
.. right?!


You can Play Evil BunnyBot Minefield at JSE.
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Blog - JSE - Evil Bunnybot Minefield - AGameAWeek