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Hard to Focus Blog
23rd August 2024
The builders continued to dismantle and rebuild the living room, yesterday.


The living room is mostly empty, now. The "back" wall is back to the original paint colour of the bungalow. I'm not 100% sure what they were thinking of when they built these things, but apparently this is the colour schemes they went with.
Goopy blues, sickly greens, off-yellows and more.
Once you strip back the layers upon layers of borders and wallpaper, it's all in there, desperate to escape!

Over on the chimney wall, the Artex is stuck onto a layer of plaster which is coming off along with the Artex, so it's going to be a much tougher job, and potentially dusty, and possibly even Asbestos'y, removing all of that.
Masks will be the order of the day, today, as they're going to do what they can to pretty much get rid of all of that.

We peeped behind the large piece of wood in front of the chimney, and there is indeed a sizeable hole in there. We considered putting our nice big electric fire inside the hole, but it's a very black fire, and if you do shove it in the hole, you really can't see the design of the fire any more.
Instead, we'll likely just build in front of the wall, like we did at the old house.
Fire, fireplace, mantlepiece, plinth, all in front, and ignore the hole.

... though we did recently watch this video on the YouTubes, and thought that "no fire, just candles" looked quite nice.

We're still not sure.
And we've still not picked a colour scheme yet, either.
Sure as hell won't be vomit-green, though!!

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"Cartoon @Derek in a dusty living room, with lots of dust, plasterboard, exposed ceiling joists, diy, decorating" by

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