I sat and wrote miserable things about my miserable condition, and ended up being rather miserable for the rest of the day.
Yesterday, then, was pretty much a day off for me.
I tried doing a little bit of JSE tweaking, but my head wasn't in the zone for coding, no matter how much I tried to push it to do anything productive.
Time to shut down and chill.
No Man's Sky is still refusing to run on the MacBook since I installed the MacOS Beta, though.
I've tried a few times to completely delete and reinstall the game, but no matter what I try, it gets as far as popping the icon up on the dock for a brief moment, before it vanishes and Steam goes back to having a big green Play button again.
So, instead, I picked up the Switch for the first time in.. .. Probably a year, now?! Since prior to moving, Mum ended up claiming the Switch for her endless sessions of Puyo Puyo Tetris!
So, I grabbed the Switch, booted up No Man's Sky on there, and spent a good hour or so doing that aimless-wandering that I love to do so much in that game.
I also played a couple more games on there, since I'd wrenched it out of Mum's hands, but ultimately booted Puyo Puyo Tetris and put it back to her favourite settings.
Since we moved, the new fridge has been making a squeaky noise any time you shut the door, so I opted to sample the squeak, and it'll be making an appearance in this week's ALChoon.
"Phone in the fridge, hit record, shut the door, samples galore"
I've not really gotten much further than that, and though I can imagine some sort of crazy refrigeration-song, I'm not really sure how to wrap it into a title that has the letter G at the start..
Groceries? Maybe.. That kinda makes sense. I might do that.
[Dave is surrounded by piles of various materials, trying to sort them into different categories. Green is watching nervously from the doorway.]
Dave: Right, plastic over here, paper there, and all the circuitry in this pile.
Green: Dave, are you sure you know what you're doing? Last time you tried to organize something, it ended with a dent in Miss Newton's car.
Dave: That was different, Greenie. This is just simple recycling.
[Dave picks up a circuit board that's emitting a faint red glow]
Dave: Don't worry, Greenie. I'm definitely throwing that one out.
Green: [alarmed] Is that the one that shoots lasers across the room?
Dave: Probably. But it's going in the bin where it can't hurt anyone anymore.
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's apartment - 20 minutes later
[Dave is still sorting, while Green hovers anxiously]
Green: Dave, are you sure you should be handling all this electronic waste?
Dave: It's ok, I'm taking my time, and being extra careful.
[Dave accidentally knocks over a stack of papers]
Dave: See, if I wasn't being careful, that pile of papers would be on fire, already.
Green: [sighs] As much as I'd love to run for my life, right now, I don't think it's a good idea to leave you on your own.
Dave: Don't worry, Cokey's here.
Green: Fictional characters don't count.
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's apartment - An hour later
[Dave is surrounded by neatly sorted piles. Green looks impressed despite himself]
Green: I have to admit, Dave, you've done a good job here.
Dave: See? I told you I could handle it.
[Suddenly, one of the circuit boards starts beeping]
Dave: Uh-oh.
Green: Dave, what did you do?
Dave: Nothing! It must be residual energy or something.
[The beeping gets louder]
Green: Quick, throw it out the window!
Dave: I'm not going near that. It might be explosive!
[The beeping reaches a crescendo, then stops abruptly]
Dave: [sighs with relief] See! Nothing to worry about. Now help me take these to the recycling center.
Greenie: Never gonna happen. I'm not going anywhere near those piles of death!
Dave: Not even the paper pile?
Greenie: [reluctantly] OK. But if it starts glowing red, I'm dropping it where I stand and running for the hills.
[End credits roll with Dave and Green struggling to carry bags of recycling down the stairs, while the glowing circuit board peeks out of Dave's pocket]
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