In today's game, you need to thread a small cross through a series of triangles without getting tangled up in the process.
If I were to be rather strict with myself, I'd give myself an F for this one.
It's actually about "NOT" Tangling yourself, which is exactly the opposite of what the word of the day asks.
So, this game is a failure?
It's also really hard if playing on a touchscreen, as your finger/hand gets in the way.
Or maybe that's how this game should be played, so as to emphasise the tangle?
I'm not sure.
Either way, try not to tangle yourself too much.
[Dave is pushing his couch across the room. Green enters, looking bewildered.]
Green: Dave, what are you doing now?
Dave: (grunting) I'm realigning the furniture, Green. The painting looks off-center.
Green: (sarcastically) Oh, of course. Because moving every piece of furniture is easier than just re-hanging the picture.
Dave: (excitedly) Exactly! Plus, this way, I don't risk summoning the Cola Genie prematurely.
Green: (sighing) Dave, for the last time, it's just a painting.
Dave: (ignoring Green) Can you help me move the TV? I think if we angle it 37 degrees to the left, it'll create the perfect fractal alignment with the painting.
Green: (muttering) I'm starting to miss the DIY disaster...
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Afternoon
[The room is in complete disarray. Furniture is at odd angles, and Dave is standing on his head, looking at the room upside down.]
Dave: (excitedly) Green, I've had a breakthrough! If we view the room from this angle, everything lines up perfectly!
Green: (exasperated) Dave, you can't expect everyone to stand on their heads to appreciate your 'art'.
Dave: (thoughtfully) You're right. We need to flip the entire room upside down!
Green: (alarmed) Dave, no! Remember what happened in the games room?
Dave: (dismissively) That was different. This time, I've calculated the exact angle of rotation needed for optimal Cola Genie summoning.
Green: (sarcastically) Oh, well in that case, carry on. What could possibly go wrong?
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Room - Evening
[The room looks like it's been through a tornado. Furniture is piled haphazardly, and Dave is perched atop a precarious tower of chairs, squinting at the painting.]
Dave: (triumphantly) There! Perfect alignment achieved!
Green: (incredulously) Dave, your bed is in the kitchen, and your computer is balanced on top of the refrigerator.
Dave: (excitedly) Exactly! It's a masterpiece of spatial reorganisation! The Cola Genie will be so impressed, he'll have to appear!
Green: (sighing) Dave, the only thing that's going to appear is the landlord, wondering why there's a sofa hanging from the ceiling.
Dave: (suddenly panicking) Wait! What if the Cola Genie gets lost in this new layout? Quick, we need to leave a trail of Coke cans!
Green: (giving up) You know what? I'm going to the pool hall. Wake me when reality decides to return.
[As Green leaves, Dave starts arranging Coke cans in a spiral pattern on the floor]
Dave: (to himself) Don't worry, Mr. Cola Genie. Your summoning circle is almost complete. Now, where did I put that protractor?
[End Credits]
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