It's not a very exciting shadow, but it does at least illustrate the fact that you can skew the text, which I guess is a neat feature to have.
The light typically just moved left to right at a preset height, but you can use mouse or touch to move it to a different location. I'm not sure the height works as well as I'd like, though, which is why the default movement keeps things on a level plane!
It's a decent enough effect. I'm not sure I can think of an interesting game mechanic to use it for, though.
[Dave emerges from the bathroom, fully clothed but with wet hair and a strange gloopy blue substance stuck to it. Greenie is lounging on the couch.]
Greenie: (looking up) Bloody hell, Dave! What happened to you?
Dave: (frustrated) My new rubber duck melted in the bathtub!
Greenie: (sarcastically) I told you to stick with the traditional yellow one. But no, you had to get that fancy red, white, and blue monstrosity.
Dave: (defensively) It was patriotic! Sort of...
Greenie: (rolling his eyes) We're British, Dave. We don't celebrate the 4th of July.
Dave: (sighing) Well, now I've got this goop stuck in my hair. It's worse than coke in my hair.
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Flat - Later that morning
[Dave is frantically trying to remove the yellow goop from his hair while Greenie watches, amused]
Dave: (struggling) This stuff won't come out!
Greenie: (chuckling) Maybe you should've stuck to comedy instead..
Dave: Is that supposed to be funny?
Greenie: Yep.
Dave: (still picking at his hair) What kind of Rubber Duck can't stand up to a bath?
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Flat - Afternoon
[Dave's hair is now sticking up in all directions, still tinged with yellow. Matt knocks on the door and enters]
Matt: (staring at Dave) What on earth happened to you?
Dave: (sheepishly) I had a bit of an accident with a rubber duck.
Matt: (confused) How does one have an accident with a rubber duck?
Greenie: (grinning) The same way one ends up covered in Coke.
Dave: (glaring at Greenie) Not helping, Greenie.
Matt: (shaking his head) Well, I just came to remind you that rent's due soon. Try not to spend all your money on melting bath toys, yeah?
[As Matt leaves, Dave slumps onto the couch]
Dave: (sighing) Maybe I should just stick to my Coke-cooled PC. At least that only sparks occasionally.
Greenie: (patting Dave's shoulder) Don't worry about it Dave. It's only your hair. Mine's been missing for decades.
Dave: (sarcastically) Oh, what a comfort. Thanks, Greenie.
[Fade to black]
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