Bloom isn't interactive. I couldn't think of a good way to make the flowers interactive.
They're being drawn using the back buffer. A single petal is drawn to the back buffer, then rotated and drawn to the front buffer.
It's a bit of a weird way to draw flowers, but I can't get rotatable shapes to work, so the petals can't be drawn in a simpler way. It's also made me add "Rotatable Shapes" into the rapidly growing todo list.
Looks pretty enough, but isn't a playable toy. Sorry.
Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day?
Today is Voting day, here in the UK, and we're all heading off to the polls.
If you're in the UK, and are eligible to do so, I do hope you head to the polls.
Make your voice heard.
Go, Go, Go!!
[Dave is sitting at his computer, scrolling through a website selling rubber ducks. Greenie is peering over his shoulder.]
Dave: (excited) Look at all these options! Who knew rubber ducks came in so many colours?
Greenie: (sighing) Dave, a rubber duck should be yellow. It's traditional!
Dave: (scoffing) Traditional? This coming from the guy who wanted to audition for Monty Python last week?
Greenie: (defensively) That was different! Besides, I'm still waiting for the BBC to call me back.
Dave: (sarcastically) I'm sure they're just dying to cast you in a show that ended decades ago.
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Flat - Afternoon
[Dave is now surrounded by printouts of different coloured rubber ducks]
Dave: (contemplatively) What about this neon green one? It kind of reminds me of you, Greenie.
Greenie: (rolling his eyes) Very funny. Just pick the yellow one and be done with it.
Dave: (dramatically) But this is an important decision! It's like choosing what colour to paint my room all over again.
Greenie: (sarcastically) Oh yes, because that turned out so well. Didn't you end up covered in Coke instead?
Dave: (defensively) That was Andy's fault!
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Flat - Evening
[Dave is still at his computer, looking exhausted. Greenie is lounging on the couch]
Greenie: (exasperated) Have you made a decision yet?
Dave: (sighing) It's harder than I thought. Maybe I should just stick with yellow.
Greenie: (triumphantly) Finally! You see reason!
Dave: (suddenly perking up) Wait a minute! What about this red, white, and blue one? It's perfect for Independence Day!
Greenie: (confused) Dave, we're British. We don't celebrate Independence Day.
Dave: (grinning) No, but it's a great excuse for fireworks and cake.
Greenie: (facepalming) Oh, for f-
[Dave clicks 'Add to Cart' as Greenie groans in the background]
[Fade to black]
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