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Blogging Anew Blog
8th June 2024
And so.. We moved.


Hello, and welcome to the new server!

I do hope you can see this.
Please do let me know in the comments (and maybe email/mastodon/twitter/etc, because I'm not 100% sure the comments are working!!)

Thankfully this particular move didn't take 6 months, like the house move, and all appears to have worked fairly smoothly.
There are a hundred or so errors in my error logs this morning, but I should be able to sift through those throughout the rest of today. Hopefully all will be nice and calm and smooth by midday.

The spiderbots and crawlers are currently having a field day, since I haven't yet installed the IPBanning that I had on the previous server.
I think that'll be the first task today.
As far as my "Server Stress" testing goes, the new server's been sticking around the 0.5 mark, whilst the old server had reached up beyond about 2.0 pretty much none-stop, so that's definitely a better thing.

The new server costs about the same (slightly less) than the old server, and we've upgraded from a 2 Core CPU to an 8 Core, and from 4Gb of ram to 16Gb.
That oughta be more than enough to handle the stresses of AGameAWeek, etc.

So far, SpikeDislike, Shoebox, Browsercade, PixelCubes as well as AGameAWeek and SoCoder have all made the transition to the new server.
There are LOTS of error messages to work through, but they've mostly successfully moved along just fine.

Next I need to do JSE, which has a couple of very important SQL elements that I don't want to break (since it's all the code that people uploaded) so I'm doing that gently.
And then there's Foldapuz, which is VERY reliant on PHP working right, and the upgrade from PHP7 to PHP8 is a huge change.

I'm leaving that until last!!

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