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A Day in a Shoebox Blog
4th June 2024
What an interesting concept that was, yesterday.


The game actually only took about 4 hours to write, and.. Honestly it would've been half that, had I remembered how to put a Shoebox game together.
All those numbers that I tend to reuse for things, all came and bit me in the arse, when I completely forgot about the upper-numbers that Shoebox uses for things like the highscores and timers for swooping things in and out, and things of that nature.
This is why you oughta keep track of these sorts of important numbers.

Oh yeah, I did!
So I opened up my list, fixed up what I'd broken, and the rest of the game came together nicely.

Later on when I was doing the trailer, it became somewhat problematic that I'd removed the background from the game's screen. I did that, not long ago, when changing the letter bubbles from rounded to square, to help optimise things a little more. The unfortunate side-effect being that if you hit T for a screenshot (bet you never knew that worked), the Screenshot now comes without the background.
It's transparent, though, so you can add your own in later.

The capture button, though (Hit the Square-bracket key, same as in JSE), ends up with a black void in the background.
I'm going to have to find a way to fix that.


But the game, though.
Yeah, that's alright. It's damn near impossible to beat, though, and hard as I've tried, I haven't yet managed.
That's probably not a good sign.

Michael Fernie's chipped in, also suggesting it's hard as nails, but that it has quite a different feel than some of the other Solitaires. I do like how it turned out, and it seems to be a nice little puzzle to play with.
I was in two minds whether to put it in as a Card Game, or move it to the Misc section, but ultimately you could play it In-Real-Life using a real deck of cards, so I guess that puts it in the Card Games section, right?!

Now, here's the thing.
Do I..
A ) Bulk up the card game with the additional "Tower, Numbers, Lives" stuff or..
B ) Take the concept and turn it into an actual "gamey" game, with a tower, levels to move up through, lives, falling, treasures, enemies, etc.

And as I neared the end of the Shoebox game, I think I had version B in mind, more than I did version A.


A.I. Corner

: Download | Suno Link
Cuts itself off after looping way too much, but I do like it.

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"Cartoon @Derek tries to squeeze another game inside his cyan coloured shoebox" by
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