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Aligning Blog
3rd June 2024
Oh boy, what a kerfuffle.



The more I play with the new GameHandler code, the more obvious the text alignment issue is becoming, so yesterday I opted to make a quick fix and.
Oh my god.

Eight hours or more of tweaking and pulling and teasing the code in a variety of manners. Peeking at as much debug information as I could muster, and endlessly trying and retrying to get those letters straight.
It was certainly an effort, that's for sure.
I'm really quite alarmed by just how much of my day was taken up trying to get that working correctly.

It seems to be functioning properly now, and this small test should hopefully run just fine on your system.
Let me know, below, if it is.

There's now the tiniest of half-a-second's worth of a delay when starting a Player based game, just so it can settle into the groove, and get the font fully loaded before it tries to align it.
That was the main issue, I think.
I thought that having the font loaded into the "Click to Start" page was enough, but apparently not.

Live and learn, I suppose.

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