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JSE - GameHandler - Ready! Blog
26th May 2024
The new version of the GameHandler is now up and on the server and ready to go.
But that's not the end of the task..


If you open Last Week's game, Starburst Rebellion, you'll see the nice new menu will spring to life.
You might also notice a new edition of the AGameAWeek logo, too.

But the menu does look a little lacklustre.
I mean, it does the job, and without any tweaks at all to the game's code, that's pretty darned good I think! And the new GameHandler will filter through to any project that use it, without the need to "fix them up".

But what I really need to do is go through all the games one by one, and add a few settings to each one so that the menus look more stylised.

A bit like that.
Which uses three Symbols laid out nicely, to produce the titlescreen.

You can see how the new commands work in the Rainbow - Test Script.
(Though you may need to refresh it to update to the latest version, first)

There's an option to change the background colour, and one to layer different icons in different places at different scales.
It's not "a lot", but it's enough to give the illusion of a slightly different menu.

If you can think of any other options I could add to that, be sure to let me know!

So, now, then, it's a case of flicking through all my games.
I should probably see about adding all those games into the Black Disk of the projects menu..
.. And, in fact, that project menu could probably do with a whole overhaul, if I'm honest.

Uhoh, I'm giving myself more things to do again!!


The neighbour next door is a retired joiner, and after the recent winds completely obliterated one of the fence panels, he's decided to reconstruct the fence between our properties.

Mum's offered to help, and the two of them were out in the back garden playing around with the bucketload of lumber he ordered online.
There's a lot of work to be done, but Mum's happy that she's finally getting to know people in the neighbourhood. Or at the very least, the neighbours either side of us.
Now that summer's here, and people are actually daring to set foot outside, we're seeing more and more people emerge from their Winter hibernation.

As for me, I'd've liked to have been slightly more friendly, yesterday, but the sun was beating down and I couldn't spend very long outside without my head getting all horribly wavy.
I'm going to have to start forming street parties when the weather is slightly mild and overcast, so that I can actually spend time outdoors chatting with everyone!!

Or I could just carry on sitting indoors, coding all day. .. There's always that.

"Cartoon @Derek building a wooden fence in his beautiful garden, lumber, nails, hammer, " by
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Blog - JSE - GameHandler - Ready! - AGameAWeek