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Lazy Jay Blog
19th May 2024
Oh dear.
Oh dear, oh dear..


So, yesterday went badly!
Having stayed awake to watch Doctor Who on Friday Night, I then had a half-sleep because it was far too warm.
Saturday morning, I half-awoke, did my morning blog/pixelart/etc, and then just kinda sat here in a still-groggy, dazed mentality that I couldn't quite shift.


And after that, I was still half-asleep, and so had another nap, and ..
I think I turned into my cat, yesterday.

I've slept for a pretty much half the day, got nothing productive done, and have now woken up to an even more half-dead state.
The heat really isn't helping.
Me and Mum tried a short walk yesterday, and made it around one of the shorter loops of the new area, but the sun beating down on my head really wasn't good for me.

People keep saying "Wear a hat!", but hats seem to add extra balance issues, so I've tried to avoid them.
.. Honestly, though, I might just do that, today!
OMG, it's so hot!!!

I might have to dig out the little fans, today. I'm hoping they're in one of the two boxes left unpacked in my bedroom, because otherwise, goodness knows where they are!

I might also try to code something today, but no promises!!

Nap time!!!

"Cartoon @derek trying to sleep in the middle of a heatwave, desert, camping bed, sun, heat, haze, blazing sun" by

... Yeah.. That about sums it up.
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