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27th April 2024
Took a day off from all the Gotoing and Gofroing to spend a bit of time with VidGen.


A nice enough selection of new styles for the engine, ranging from our classic Mountain Range effect, through to a swirly multi-armed swinging ball thing, and even a nice piano-style thing.

The piano doesn't really quite work as well as I'd hoped when tried out with anything other than a plain sweep, but I guess that's more down to me not having any nice piano tracks to test it with, more than anything.
I did try asking Udio to generate me a nice piano track, and .. Well.. I wasn't exactly Piano'y...

The swirly circle thing also isn't quite what I wanted, so I might rejig that one later.

Anyhoo, it was nice to play around with this for a bit, and take my mind off the Goto stuff for a while. I might also do that, today, too, as it's a much more relaxing thing to code, and doesn't leave me pulling my hair out at the end of the day!!!

You can Play with VidGen2 here.


Hey, Jay, shouldn't you be coding AGameAWeek or something?!
Yep, I should.
Sorry, I've been neglecting that, this week, haven't I.

Every time I open up JSE, lately, it's got my Transpiler Test code in the thing, and that's what I end up playing around with.

I made a start on this, last Sunday, and have barely touched it, since.
If you've any thoughts as to what I can add to it, let me know in the comments.

Otherwise it's going to be ..
....Rather Plane..


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