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Leaped Out Blog
6th April 2024
Awww, nuts.
No more Quantum Leap?


After the slightly dumb "mystery box" that the show's creator's left the writers with in Season One, a clearout of the silliness and refreshing of the show created a much better Season Two.
The plots "back at HQ" flowed much better with the leaps, the story arc had a much more sensible through line, and the leaps were proper leaps instead of being sidelined for the story at large.
Everything felt like it had come together, back into the show that we all wanted from the beginning.

When we had the huge outpouring of love and support that happened over the past few months, after the tragic death of Fan-Podcast host Matt Dale, everyone involved in the show seemed to jump on board with support and more.
I've honestly never seen direct feedback from a show to its fanbase, as big as that was.

I would've expected that "The powers that be" would've, at the very least, noticed that.
That the show had fans that loved the show, but also that the show had showrunners, cast and crew, that similarly loved its fans.

That's really quite disappointing that they've cancelled it.

Hopefully something transpires to keep the show going. All involved were expecting a May decision, so that's still a few weeks for someone else (Netflix?!) to jump in and keep the show going.
I hope.

If not, it was most certainly a fun ride, and it'll be a terrible shame not to see it continue.

I'm really quite downhearted, this morning.

"Cartoon @Derek joins the protests outside NBC Studios after his favourite TV show is cancelled." by
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