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Daily Blog Blog
11th March 2024
Yesterday was spent with Mother.


Mother's Day includes a game or three of Scrabble, some time playing Tetris together, me attempting to make us a sandwich because there's not really much more I can cook properly, and lots of sitting around chatting about plans for the upcoming weeks.

I ordered Mum some Tulips from Moonpig, and those got "delivered" around about 12'ish, yesterday.
I say "delivered".
We were both inside waiting for the delivery.
They were tossed over the side gate.
A lovely Mother's Day experience, I'm sure you'll agree.

We also got the new Security Light delivered, (and handed over to me, like how a delivery should go...) so we'll likely be attempting to put that up, later today. Whether we'll end up with a lovely Security Light drilled and secured successfully to the exterior wall.. .. Or a frickin' mess.. Remains to be seen.

OK, back to AGameAWeek.
I think the game's pretty much ready. A little more balancing, this morning, and we should be good to go.
Do note, however, that I've now missed a week, and I'll be kicking myself for that, for the rest of the year.


On the subject of not doing what I'm supposed to be doing...
Here's the current side-projects list.

1. Apple/iOS development
Not going particularly well, as I'm still trying to formulate my plan to write the code in a neater way. Used to be that I was the one who crammed everything into a single messy script, but nowadays I'm trying my best to do things "better", and it's the language that's stopping me from doing it.

2. Picture Banner Printer Thing
This hasn't been touched since Saturday. Been too busy with.. OMG, Another Sideproject!!!

3. JXM Exporter
Over on SoCoder, Spinal suggested he wanted to use Mod_Blinky.xm and Mod_Splat.xm in his future game. .. Again.. He's used those a lot, but mostly because my .xm collection is lacking.
I said sure, but in the back of my mind, I was worried that my .xm Mod making has pretty much stagnated.
.. Then I thought about it, and went "No, hang on, I'm always making choons in JXM.. And that uses .xm files as it's base.."
I pondered my options, and .. I *think* I want to try and make an .xm exporter out of it.
I spent a good number of hours yesterday digging through the code and trying to figure out how best to do it.
As much as the file is .xm format, I only inject the JXM choon once it's already in memory.
I'll have to, then, create an alternative "empty .xm" file, and try to figure out how to inject directly into the file, rather into the loaded data in memory.
I think I can do that. Going to need a fair bit of tweaking to get there, though.

So, yeah, plenty to do!

Get back to work, Jay!

"Cartoon @Derek standing beside the kitchen sink washing some dishes, soap suds, bubbles, crockery" by
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Daily Blog , Waffle , Chaos
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 77

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