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JSE - Vegetables vs Cupcakes Blog
13th February 2024

Try to protect the Cupcakes from the evil Vegetables.
You can Play this over at GotoJSE


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Why I Did What I Did

And why it ultimately didn't work out..

I started this game with the idea for a title. "Bob on Ice" seemed like a fun little idea.
So I coded a nice little movement style, got the character leaving an "ice skating" trail behind him on the back buffer, then all felt nice and smooth, but very unlike a person.

It did feel a bit like Spindizzy, though, so out went Bob and in came a spinning top. The blue ice stayed behind, and I'm not really sure why, but there it is!

In came a bunch of vegetables, and the spinning top would slice up the veggies, but that meant there was no peril. Hmmm..

So in came the cupcakes! A set of four cupcakes sat in static positions that you had to protect, but then a slight issue came along.
Once you were down to one cupcake, it was FAR too easy to just roll around that final cupcake, guarding it endlessly.


So I then added movement to the cupcakes, and things got a "bit" better, but it's still not perfect.
There's way too many issues confounding this game. Like the sheer randomness of the enemy veggies that come in all directions, and the annoying way the Cupcakes occasionally smash into you with no warning.
The collision detection could do with a bit of a tweaking, too, but by the time I got to that point, I was already fed up with the game.

This is a bad game.

Improvement suggestions are welcome, as always.
Or maybe even tweak the code and let me see if you can come up with anything better?

You can Play this over at GotoJSE
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Blog - JSE - Vegetables vs Cupcakes - AGameAWeek